The Barrett Model

The Barrett Model was developed in 1997 by Richard Barrett. It extends Maslow's concept of self-actualization in his hierarchy of needs and as a result depicts the full spectrum of human needs underlying our motivation and behavior. 

It uses Maslow’s pyramid of needs but further extends the idea of self-actualization and is also known as the 7 levels of consciousness model. More on how to get values right and take advantage of this important organizational asset, read here.  

The purpose of the Barrett model

The model links values to levels of consciousness and the tools (Culture Transformation Tools/CTT) based on the module can measure personal, leadership, organizational and even national consciousness. The CTT tool is simple and asks only three questions: 

  • which of the following values or behaviors do you most resonate with 
  • which values represent how your organization operates
  • which values represent how you’d like it to operate

The purpose of the Barrett model and its supporting tools is to open up a whole new prism for conversations on what is important to us as individuals and to our organizations. 

Barrett Analytics and CTT tools are widely recognized for their ease of use, detailed diagnostics, and meaningful insight.

Though simple, it allows for deep insights into what’s working and not working in a particular organizational culture and links the lack of engagement and belonging to a specific mismatch between individual values, current organizational values and desired organizational values.  

Relevancy to individual and organizational context

Though simple, it allows for deep insights into what’s working and not working in a particular organizational culture and links the lack of engagement and belonging to a specific mismatch between individual values, current organizational values and desired organizational values.  

The model is tested over more than two decades of real-world experience with thousands of organizations and it identifies the seven areas that comprise human motivations. 

The Barrett Model is supported by the pioneering work of Abraham Maslow.

Its also validated through more recent work of Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory, Ryff’s model of psychological well-being, Seligman’s work on flourishing, and the resurgent academic interest around Aristotle’s concept of ‘eudaimonia’ and the deep human yearning to live a meaningful life. 

How we use the Barrett Model

The Barrett model has been tailored for individual, leader, team, and organizational purposes.

You can purchase the right surveys for your needs and book coaching and consulting services through our certified expert.

Individual assessment

Leadership assessment

Team assessment

Organizational assessment

Personal Values Exploration

Values can be simply described as things that are especially important to us. Knowing your values can guide your actions.

Leading with values

As leaders, most of our efforts and time are dedicated to building strong teams that can withstand adversity, add value and make sound choices. 

Take the next step towards becoming a full spectrum leader who leads self and others with integrity, resilience and sensitivity towards the new era of work.  

During the program we will walk you through a 7-step process on how to lead self and others in alignment with your true values and motivations, so you feel alive and inspire others to come alive@work. 

Building InPowered Teams

Explore individual and team values that glue your team together. Craft a team charter and empower people to be at their best.

Organizational Culture Pulse

The Culture Assessment gives a comprehensive snapshot of the culture of your organization.  

The Culture Assessment is a road map towards creating sustainable and healthy cultures, characterized by high performance, responsibility and shared meaning across all levels and functions. 

Meet your guide

Maria Padalski

Maria created People Portal following 15 years of professional experience in various leadership positions, ranging from Marketing and Business Development to People Management. 

Her multifaceted perspective on the working of an organization has shaped her understanding that each successful company has a solid foundation where a healthy culture and shared values are inextricably woven together. And that people belong and thrive at companies where culture and values are strong.

What clients say:

„We've worked with People Portal for two years now. With their help we managed to support our colleagues in understanding that the ‘customer journey‘ for each of our clients is an experience, which is told and lived through a unique story. I'd recommend People Portal to organizations and teams which want to build connection, find their true voice, build high standards of quality and challenge themselves“.

Krasen Kolev, Senior Engineering Manager, Milestone Systems

Ready to work explore your values?

Schedule a 30-minute call with us.