Leading with Values: How conscious leadership can help you and your team stay aligned, committed and drama free

Alive@Work Community Meeting moderated by Maria Padalski

24 February, 4.00 - 5.15 pm, Zoom

Leading with Values: How conscious leadership can help you and your team stay aligned, committed and drama free

Alive@Work Community Meeting moderated by Maria Padalski

24 February, 4.00 - 5.15 pm, Zoom

We all want to have engaged, productive and curious people on our teams. As team leaders, most of our efforts and time is dedicated exactly to this - building strong teams that can withstand adversity, add value and make sound choices.

But why is it so hard for this to be achieved?

Why do so many engagement and culture efforts fail and we are constantly on the treadmill to come up with the next big engagement and retention strategy?

What can we, as leaders, do differently to elevate our teams, so people are fueled with a contagious internal drive for achievement and fulfillment?

We suggest turning your sight inwards and exploring where you truly stand as a leader. During this workshop we will be exploring the steps you can personally take to raise your awareness and uncover your authentic self as a leader. 

We will walk you through a 7-step process on how to lead self and others in alignment with your true values and motivations, so you feel alive and inspire others to come alive@work. The process is based on the Barrett Values Center methodology and developed with individual and organizational clients for over 4 years.

After this meeting you will have clarity on:
✅ How to uncover your true values and motivations
✅ How to live and lead from a place of personal integrity and fulfillment
✅ How to determine and use your NOW strengths and flaws
✅ How and why to connect to your team at the level of values
✅ How to work with the individual values of your team members to establish belonging and radical responsibility

Take the next step towards becoming a full spectrum leader who leads self and others with integrity, resilience and sensitivity towards the new era of work.

It all starts with you. Personally.

Join us and our diverse group of leaders on February 24th at 4.00 pm-5.15 pm EET to gain new perspectives on your role and challenges as a leader.
Learn new practices and techniques to start applying tomorrow. 

Maria Padalski - People & Culture Strategist

Maria is a People & Culture strategist with a primary interest in how our values form our motivations, interests and behaviors. She  brings to People Portal more than 15 years’ experience in Marketing strategy & communications, Business Development and HR. Being in different strategic organizational roles formed her vision that the foundation of every successful company lies within its culture & shared values and employees belonging to its purpose. Maria is a certified culture transformation consultant with the Barrett Values Center, NLP coach with Aligned Action International, people skills trainer and  a personal values coach.  

Registration and requirements

 ✔ Alive@Work (moderated and curated by People Portal) is a community of leaders who have deep and honest conversations about what works in Work.  

 ✔ This workshop  includes small group interactions. During the group sessions we encourage you to turn your camera on, so we can more easily build trust and open up to true exploration and sharing.